Sunday, December 29, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe s Annabel Lee - 908 Words

Far, Far Away While longing for his distant lover, the narrator explains the empty world around him and the objects that signify his love. In Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"Annabel Lee†, the themes of love and abandonment are explored through literary elements of symbolism, imagery and repetition in order to create a mystical fairy tale for a long lost lover. Poe sets the background stating both lovers are children-like and their love is untainted innocent affection. While being young, the narrator tries to explain to the readers that their love wasn’t not just lust but actual love for his lost Annabel Lee. The use of symbolism is quite prevalent within the romantic poem using such concepts as the kingdom, the angels/demons, and the kinsman to show a deeper emotion that is connected to the narrator. When first reading this poem, Poe sets a fairy magical mood by his constant use of â€Å"a kingdom by the sea† yet does not specify where and what the kingdom is. Th e idea of the literal kingdom is left for the readers yet shows the concept of this poem could only be set in an imaginable setting for innocent untainted love could not exist in reality. After having his love taken away from him, the narrator turns to blame the good of the world and proves they envy their innocent love. Poe does not out right show they are angels rather he creates the atmosphere for the reader to imagine they are angels by using the phrase â€Å"the winged seraphs of Heaven†. The narrator explains the winged seraphsShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe s Annabel Lee913 Words   |  4 PagesAnother one of Edgar Allen Poe famous poems was â€Å"Annabel Lee†. â€Å"Annabel Lee† was written in 1849 shortly after the death of Poe’s wife. Annabel Lee tells a story about a narrator s painful memory and also explains his love and devotion to his long lost love, Annabel (Empric 1). The narrator discusses how the two grew up together and the love they had for each other was real and exclusive. The narrator goes on to share his belief that the â€Å"angels above were the cause of Annabel s death, killingRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven And Annabel Lee884 Words   |  4 PagesWhen studying Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven and Annabel Lee, the reader is struck by many similarities and differences. Both focus on the sorrow and loss of losing a loved one. Both deal with the heartache and grief associated with the search for understanding why the loss occurred. Both have an almost gothic, sad, unearthly feel to them. However, while the theme of The Raven and Annabel Lee is very similar, Poe uses a very different tone in the two poems to portray his feelings. The difference inRead MoreThe Power Of Dark Love1217 Words   |  5 Pagesgood† (Browning, lines 36-37). Both Robert Browning and Edgar Allan Poe share a love for the themes of obsession, desire, and complicated love. Each of those three themes play an important role in dark love poetry. Each poet describes the main character in their poems as a woman worthy of the speaker’s obsessive, complicated, and desirable love. Both Robert Br owning’s tragic â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover† and Edgar Allan Poe’s mysterious â€Å"Annabel Lee† explore the theme of dark and obsessive love through theirRead MoreLiterary Devices Used By Edgar Allan Poe986 Words   |  4 Pagespoet that uses such intricate writing in his poems is Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe uses several different literary devices in his major 1849 poem Annabel Lee. In his text he incorporates theme with imagery, symbolism, and form. These literary devices help lead the audience to the understanding of the overall meaning of the poem. Edgar Allan Poe s use of symbolism allows for the audience to understand how this gentleman feels about Annabel Lee. In the poem, the author uses symbolism when the narratorRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Poetry1327 Words   |  6 PagesThis research paper will focus on Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry. In Charles May’s bibliography of Poe, he states that â€Å"Poe gained great recognition in the early 1840’s for his creation of a genre that has grown in popularity ever since — the tale of ratiocination, or detective story, which features an amateur sleuth who by his superior deductive abilities outsmarts criminals and outclasses the police.† Along with creating the detective genre, he also created a more modern science fiction genre when heRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Annabel Lee By Edgar Allan Poe1235 Words   |  5 Pagesthan love (Poe Line 9). Love is one of the most important things to have in life, whether it is with family, friends, or that special someon e, but that does not mean it will be perfect because everyone has problems. Love can be complicated; it may not be defined so easily or fit the normal standard of love. Sometimes love comes with a desire or an obsession. The inspiration of Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe was inspired by the women that had passed away in his life, but since Poe had writtenRead MoreEssay about Annabel Lee, Edgar Allan Poe1009 Words   |  5 Pagespieced together to make a rhyme, and evokes true emotion that is palpable. One of the most influential authors that contributed to this experience was Edgar Allan Poe. His work is almost immediately recognizable due to his common motif that is both melancholy and mysterious. Much of his writing concerns love and loss, such as in his poem â€Å"Annabel Lee.† The essence of this work is endless love and the death of a beautiful young girl. It is thought by many that most of his literature mirrors his actualRead MoreWhy Should We Care?1748 Words   |  7 PagesWhy Should We Care?: Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"Few creatures of the night have captured [reader’s] imagination[s] like [Edgar Allan Poe]† (â€Å"Vampires†). Poe has fascinated the literary world since he first became known for writing in 1829, when he was just twenty years old (Chronology†). While he is widely known for exploring the macabre, his work is controversial because of its psychologically disturbing nature. Edgar Allan Poe is worth examining as an author because his many contributions to the literaryRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s `` The Famous American Poet ``1086 Words   |  5 Pages Edgar Allan Poe, the famous American poet, short-story writer, and critic is best known for his bizarre but transformative horror stories, and for creating genres including detective fiction. The life of Edgar Allan Poe was filled with tragedies and was very depressing; because of this, he was inspired to write such dark stories. He wrote time and time again about his love and his loss. His work collectively illustrates the story of his life. Although he did create original storylines in his workRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado Essay1267 Words   |  6 Pagessignificance of Edgar Allan Poe s style of writing, which commands the use of both death and love most frequently throughout his works, are what really made his literary works become so well known. The nature of death and on questions about the afterlife is usually Poe’s main focus in most of his literary works. A woman who has died at the height of her youth and beauty, leaving a lover b ehind to mourn. Death and Love, these two main themes are discussed throughout Edgar Allan Poe s literary work

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Critique of the Categorical Imperative - 1689 Words

A Critique of the Categorical imperative Immanuel Kant was without doubt one of the most influential Philosophers of his time. He was born in Koinsberg, Prussia on the 22nd of April 1724, and died on the 12th of February 1804 at the age of 79. Throughout his life Kant contributed his ideas to many major fields of Philosophy; however his biggest contribution was to the realm of ethics, when he developed the concept of the categorical imperative. He first introduced this idea in 1785 in a book he titled Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. The categorical imperative was a revolutionary idea that contrary to the spirit of its time focused on how the morality of an action was not dependant on its consequences or the intentions of its undertaker, rather solely on the intrinsic moral worth of the action itself. This concept has been challenged since its birth and been often regarded as a rather impractical and often contradicting facet of moral philosophy. Although the previous allegation is true, the ideas behind the catego rical imperative give a significant and much needed challenge our modern day notions of morality. The Kantian term categorical imperative essentially refers to a moral command that must be followed absolutely, regardless of the situation it is being applied in, or the motivations and desires of the individual following the imperative. Like the rules that govern arithmetic according to Kant the rules regarding morality too should be free from any sort ofShow MoreRelatedMorality via Kant and Hegel1712 Words   |  7 PagesTranscendental Idealism as his cornerstone, Kant argued that Reason – to him a defining and immutable trait of human nature – allows for the derivation of formal and universally valid moral princip-les. His famous derivation of these, the Categorical Imperative, tantalizing promises an Archimedean point to morality: The moral standpoint from which one can always judge apodictically what is right independent of one’s vested empirical interests. Opposite the classical eudemonistic theories, Kant importantlyRead MoreKant And The Moral Law1451 Wo rds   |  6 Pages Kant would disagree with those who do the right thing for the wrong reason. We, as a society and individuals in that society, should act in ways not because it’s easy for us or more favourable, but because its right and moral. 4) The Categorical Imperative: We see that Kant establishes that a moral action effectively consists of a moral intention motivating that action. Therefore, doing the right thing because it is right. Kant describes motives that are selfish, and for the wrong reasons asRead MoreKant s Philosophy On Moral Philosophy1515 Words   |  7 Pagesobjections to Kant in two different ways, implicitly and explicitly. Hegel gives arguments against Kant’s moral theory as well as the general philosophical thought that produces the moral theory that Kant presents. But in order to understand Hegel’s critique of Kant, we must first understand the content of Kant’s moral philosophy and its formulation. Kant’s Moral Philosophy The crux of Kant’s moral philosophy comes from the idea that morality is derived from rationality- rational thought leads us toRead MoreKantian Ethics And The Categorical Imperative Essay1581 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis of Kantian Ethics and critiques In Elements of Pure Practical Reason Book, I, Immanuel Kant, a prominent late Enlightenment Era German philosopher discusses his most famous ethical theory, the â€Å"Categorical Imperative.† The â€Å"Categorical Imperative† is a proposed universal law in stating all humans are forbidden from certain actions regardless of consequences. Although this is the general definition of this ethical theory, the Categorical Imperative† exists in two above formulations, A strictRead MoreEmmanuel Kant and Moral Theory1589 Words   |  6 Pagesproceeds numerically with its three chapters and concludes by identifying the supreme principle of morality â€Å"the categorical imperative.† The Metaphysics of Morals is divided into three sections of different subject-matter that are successively ordered with Kants strategy that transitions from common beliefs to moral philosophy to the metaphysics of morals and finally to the critique of pure reason. His first section, the groundwork of metaphysics of morals, introduces the concept of good will†Read MoreBook Report on Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals by Kant599 Words   |  3 PagesMetaphysic of Morals by Kant Kant states (38,) act as if the maxim of thy action were to become by thy will a universal law of nature. This categorical imperative forms the basis of his book, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals. Though at times his writing is confusing Kant lays out his logic as to what a categorical imperative is. Kant divides the book into three sections. The first explains the transition from everyday moral beliefs to the philosophy of those morals. TheRead More Immanuel, Kant (1724-1804) Essays1201 Words   |  5 Pagesmost of his life. He was also greatly interested in science and published works on astronomy and geophysics. His three most significant works were published later in life. The Critique of Pure Reason came out in 1781, followed in 1788 by the Critique of Practical Reason and in 1790 by the Critique of Judgment. The Critique of Pure Reason is one of the most important works in the whole of philosophy. Unfortunately it is also one of the most unreadable - Kant himself described it as dry and obscureRead MoreImmanuel Kant and the Moral Law788 Words   |  4 PagesImmanuel Kant was a German philosopher from the 18th century, widely known for his various achievements and works such as Critique of Pure Reason and Foundations of Metaphysics of Morals. Kant developed a theory of ethics that depends on reason rather than emotion called The Moral Law. Kant was not anti-religious but he wanted an ethical system that was not obscured by religion, emotion or personal interpretation. According to Kant, morality is a function of reason, based on our consciousness ofRead MoreKant s Powerful Reasoning For M oral Atrocities1525 Words   |  7 Pagesmoral atrocities. Kant explains his moral theory, the categorical imperative, in â€Å"Grounding for the metaphysics of Morals†. In this paper i will argue that Kantian reasoning provides the most powerful understanding of how to assess and navigate moral dilemmas concerning atrocities when compared to Utilitarianism. In order to effectively do so, i will be using a case by Bernard Williams. The case by Williams in â€Å"A critique of Utilitarianism,† is as followed. Jim is in a small SouthRead MoreAll Mankind, Possesses An Equal Basic Moral Status. We1627 Words   |  7 Pagesbounds of reason alone.† He argued, that what we believe in historical religion had all been wrong. That people had a great need to promote ethical behavior, which of course is still true today. With this Kant came up with the idea called the â€Å"Categorical Imperative†, which could also be recognized as â€Å"Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals.† This meant, â€Å"Act only per that axiom by which you put up at the same time will that it should become a general law.† When I first read that, I had to take it a

Thursday, December 12, 2019

HappinessTake Two free essay sample

Atop the current of the lake, a young woman zoomed on a gleaming red jet ski. Her long, brown hair flew behind her, strong and full of life. One year later, her now limp hair surrendered to radiation and fell to a cold, ceramic floor. Despite the untrodden path set before her, she persevered fearlessly. She won the battle against her brain tumor and Amy Smith(last name has been change) has thrived ever since. I was there the day she was diagnosed. I was there the day the doctor spoke those weighted words that fell to the floor and shattered Amy’s normal life. This scene incessantly plays in my head, provoking thoughts of confusion with every view. In every movie, this scene is accompanied by tears, hopeless music, and faded lighting. This is the climatic point of tragedy. However, in reality this scene played out much differently. Amy smiled. We will write a custom essay sample on Happiness:Take Two or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She smiled with confidence and bravery, assuring the doctor with her reply that she would overcome his diagnosis. She defied the gravity of the situation with her unimaginable confidence. Although she had just received what would seem like the beginning of an epitaph for most, she was happy. Every time I watch this scene and relive the seconds, I wonder what Amy possessed that maintained her happiness. This epiphany would not occur until Amy’s frail body began displaying the effects of cancer. Through her suffering, enduring defiance, and faith, she overcame cancer. Her experience magnified the definition of life and belittled my juvenile connotations of living it. I had invested my resources and emotions into trivial things that would not stand out in my life’s timeline. My resources went towards labels that led to popularity. I wasted time in arguments with my parents over being able to stay out later then midnight because that was the social norm. I exerted so much energy in my attempts to be accepted and happy. Through the tears shed, the words yelled, and the emotions spilled, I had slammed the door to reality. While my cousin fought for her life, I incessantly devoted my time to make things better. Life is about dealing with what you have, not constantly trying to get more. I focused on instantaneous happiness, which involved living and thinking about only what happened in the present. I failed to realize that long-term happiness could only be derived from fu turistic thinking and eliminating my need to always want. I will no longer pave my path one step at a time with bricks of lust; I will not be unsure of the direction it will lead me. Instead, I will have a destination on the horizon, each step leading me closer to happiness. I’m in charge of writing the script and choosing the genre: adventure. Uncertainty will accompany my every move, but my cousin gave me strength to overcome it. Fear will not catalyze my movements, but inspire them. From Amy’s example, I have learned to have stronger faith and will to power me through the rough patches of reality and to maintain focus on what is important.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Legal Aspects and International Business and Enterprise

Question: Discuss about theLegal Aspects and International Business and Enterprise. Answer: Multinational Company Operating in Australia Nestle Australia is a corporation that has specialized in manufacturing and marketing a variety of food and beverage products. Nestle Australia Companys mission "Good Food, Good Life shows that it intends to ensure that its consumers eat sweet, most nutritious and have wide options for a variety of beverage and food to choose. Nestle portfolio covers a lot of beverages and classes of food providing clients with good taste and improved products that bring joy at every eating time and during the steps of life. Most Nestl's well-known brands are Nespresso, Nescafe, Milo, Toll House, Coffee-mate, Kitkat, Purina Friskies, and Maggi, among others. Nestle Australia products include infant foods, processed milk, coffee, nutritional healthcare products, chocolate, culinary products, nutritional snacks, pet foods and accessories among others. It also provides a wide range of assortment of noodles in different essence, frozen food products, dairy milk products, and espressos. Additionally, it p rovides an assortment of hot and cold beverages, light desserts together with a range of confectionery store, bakery item as well as pastry kit. Nestle has been performing remarkably well in the global business segment in pulling in consumers. Currently, Nestle Australia offers catering services in the direction of eateries, bistros, clubs and lodgings. Moreover, it provides pets nourishments, such as Purina. On the other hand, Nestle Company also exports its products to different nations. Nestle Australia Ltd Company was founded in 1908 and its headquarter is in Rhodes in Australia (Bloomberg.Com, 2016). It runs factories, offices, and distribution centers in Australia, Pacific Islands, and New Zealand. Additionally, people believe that Nestle as an international company dealing in food and beverage has a duty towards satisfying clients. The company has also taken an interest in the Oceanias culture, which is known by its assortments and variety of monetary circumstances, flavors, and cultures. Nestle Oceania became a crucial division in the grouping where the company activated it as a business as well as a dealer in the direction of the neighborhood. On the other hand, the company believes that their customers must live a healthy style by participating in sports activities; hence, they support many games occasions and have continued to guide individuals in the direction of being active. Other than that, they are the pioneers in identifying many issues such as peoples health and ecological safeguards (, 2012). Besides, Nestle in collaboration with Australia Institute of Sports is making the young people be familiar with various sports and the Nestl's diets (Bloomberg.Com, 2016). In 2008, Nestle became number one globally due to its international standings, strategic location in Sydney, higher competent employees, and the superb company's approach. It happened despite the hard-hitting economic situations by that period. Currently, Nestle company has over 490 factories as well as over 400, 000 staffs in 88 various nations around the world. Nestle is found in America, Africa, Europe, Australia and the Middle East. As the biggest food and Beverage Company, Nestle is determined to reach most of the nations globally. In Australia, Nestle Oceania had employed more than 6,500 staffs. Besides, the larger number of staff in this location, it also has more than 20 plants and four distributions centers that are claimed and handled by the Company. Nestle corporation is a Switzerland international food and health-related commodities business with headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland (, 2015). It is the main food company internationally. Nestle company improves lives with science-based nutrition and health resolutions for all stages of life. Nestle helps consumers care for their lives and that of their families. Regulatory Frameworks That Affect the Multinational Company That Operates in Australia The regulatory framework that affects Nestle Company is the Forum on Food regulation (FoFR). Forum on Food Regulation is essentially in control of the growth of residential food administrative as well as the improvement of strategy rules for setting food principles. Additionally, FoFR has the capability to embrace, change or decline principles and to demand that the rules be evaluated. Those who are required to participate in FoFR include the Australia government, a Minister from New Zealand, Health Ministers from the nations in Australia, and other various Ministers from related nations where they were assigned through their jurisdictions. The Forum on Food regulation guarantees an entire food-chain technique towards the rules that govern food safety (, 2016). Additionally, the other regulatory framework affecting the multinational company working in Australia is the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). FSANZ is an organization that manages food standards in New Zealand and Australia. Its main responsibility is to build up and manage these two countries Food Standards Code, which proves necessities for foodstuffs such as foodstuff securities, additives, genetically modified foods, and additives. In Australia, FSANZ organizes ethics across the food supply chain. It also arranges principles in production and processing, as well as the doctrine intended for food cleanliness, and putting restrictions in food farming along with veterinary stuff. FSANZ develop principles in discussion with other included government organizations together with the stakeholders (Food, 2016). Moreover, the national food security standards geared towards safeguarding the health and the security of the consumers get produced in accordance with the administrative approaches by the FSANZ and distributed as the Australia New Zealand Standards Code. Nations and regions control the execution of the requirements of the Food Standards Code. For example, Dairy Food Safety Victoria executes and respects the principles of the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation in the dairy trade through its Victorian Dairy Act 2000 and the 1984 Food Act (, 2016). Furthermore, the other food regulation framework is known as Food Regulatory Standard Committee (FRSC). FRSC is a board consisting of trustees of the Forum on Food Regulation. This association comprises of the senior authorities. FRSC assist in making strategy guidance towards FoFR and provides a guarantee to a steady process of dealing with the utilization as well as enforcement of food principles. Similarly, at the start, it exhorts the actions growth and audit of the IRSC and FoFR (, 2016). Besides, the Australia food regulation system also entails: (1) The Australia New Zealand Food Regulation Standing Committee. This committee harmonizes approach pieces of advice to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Council, which is headed by the office of the Secretary of Commonwealth health. The commission in charge engages the leaders of the divisions whose managers are the ANZFSC persons and the current Food Policy Unit of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged C are. (2) The Australia New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) will soon alter to be Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ). Such constitutional right in the authority of the Commonwealth Health portfolio had a responsibility concerning building up all the residential food standards. (3) The accomplishment of the inter-Governmental Code requires changes to the ANZFA Act 1991 on the way to creating the techniques for the fresh foodstuff administrative structure. The major establishments of the new framework include The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Council, which is mandated to create strategy rules for making household food. Question 3 Treaties or Agreements that have Impact on the Products or Services that Multinational Company Provides in Australia Under the Australia, New Zealand Food Standards-setting Agreement, the Australia, and New Zealand have been in agreement to improve the combined foodstuff regulations in both countries. It is the reason why it is vital to evaluate the Country of Origin Labeling (CoOL) There is an equal country of origin agreements enclosed in other Australia and New Zealand ratification such as Australia Commerce Trade Descriptions Act 1905(CTDA) and Australia Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA) (Food Standards Australia New Zealand, 2015). The Food Regulation Agreement (FRA) The Food regulation Agreement that was initially marked by the Council of Australian Government (COAG) in 2000, offers impact to an oath by State, Commonwealth, and Territory to a national strategy to deal with food guidelines within Australia (, 2016). Food Regulation Agreement purpose is to provide a national understanding of the secure food controls to ensure the general health and security, reduce an administrative influence on food division, and to support coordination of Australia residential and export standards with universal principles. It also intended to provide money-making agreement and approval courses of action and to give a dependable executive methodology (, 2016). Food Treaty among Australia and New Zealand The Australia and New Zealand governments made a Joint Food Standards System official by the means of a Treaty. It is the contract between the Australian government and the government of New Zealand whereby these two countries set up an arrangement to build up Development of Joint Food Standards. This a code is meant to remove the needles impediments to trade, receive a common arrangement of food principles and to support sharing of data (Food Standards Australia New Zealand, 2015). Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) The Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement commonly referred as ANZCERTA is one of the inclusive joint free trade codes. It is responsible for the trade of various goods including agricultural products. The Treatys inner provision is the development of global trade responsible for free trade zone concerning Australia and New Zealand. Some of the objectives of ANZCERTA may include: First, strengthening a wide relationship between Australia and New Zealand. Second, is to develop closer economic relationships among the Member States through an equally helpful extension of free business between Australia and New Zealand (Hawke, 2011). Third, it is meant to eliminate impediments to business between New Zealand and Australia in a steady and progressive approach under an accepted timetable and with minimal restrictions. Last, is to build up business between Australia and New Zealand under conditions of fair competition. ANZCERTA has strengthened the growth of trade across the Tasman. Under its 32 years of existence, the arrangement of trade between New Zealand and Australia has increased tremendously. Many of the goals of the trade have been successful, the governments of the New Zealand and Australia have agreed to have Single Economic Market method to bring the economic relations closer (Hawke, 2011). SEM is currently applied to harmonize the two countries to allow trade, investors, and consumers to perform businesses across the Tasman in an atmosphere that seems not to have regulation. Such agreements have made it easier for Nestle to perform its businesses across these two countries with an ease. How the Treaty Impacts the Goods and Services of the Nestle Australia There various ways through which the Treaty influences the goods and services of the Nestle Australia. For example, the Treaty forces Nestle Australia to have ten years permit for selling Pfizers S-26 and SMA brands, which is followed by ten years ban period in which Nestle Company would not be allowed to re-enter into the business sector of selling Pfizer's brands. The regulations of the agreement state that any outsider supplier that wins the permit would have to source the items from Nestle, with a view that it will manufacture its own particular baby nourishment products within a short period of time. In those 10 year ban, nobody will get permitted in the direction of selling those products within Australia. However, it is trusted that the selected supplier would by this period selling its own products. On the other hand, ANZCERTA has made it easier Nestle goods and services to be manufactured and sold locally in New Zealand (Hawke, 2011). The agreement has made the Australian go vernment have more control over what goes over New Zealand by trading or other means. Nestle has become a major player in New Zealand employing over 650 workers across its six sites. Such treaties have allowed Nestle Australia to sell most of its chocolates manufactured in Melbourne to markets in New Zealand. Moreover, when there are no rules governing trade between countries, there will be no control on the quality of the food products sold to consumers and that could be risking peoples health. Therefore, Treaties and regulations can help in curbing search operations in an international business. References, (2016). Victoria's Regulatory Food Framework., (2001). The Australian food regulatory system: Troubling times ahead?, (2016). Company Overview of Nestle Australia Ltd. [Online] Available at, (2012). FSANZ approves Nestle infant formula L- histidine level amendment. [Online] Available at: Food Standards Australia New Zealand, (2015). Food law, treaties, and agreements. Food, (2016). Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). [Accessed 15 September 2016]. Hawke, g. (2011). Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) and Regional Integration. New Zealand International Review, 36(5), 26-27., (2016). The Food Regulation System., (2015). Nestle Australia Ltd - Premium Company Report Australia., (2012). Nestl to manufacture medical nutrition products in Australia, (2016). EPISODE 9: Food for Thought - Food Colours. [Online] Available at:, (2015). Total number of Nestl employees worldwide from 2008 to 2015 (in 1,000s). [Online] Available at:, (2012). Nestle to license Pfizer formula brands in Australia under ACCC orders.